
Our customisable workforce learning management system - enabling you to be the architect of your own successful learning solutions.

online:academy - your signature from onboarding to ongoing training

Our customisable learning software is a cost-effective solution for companies looking to create their own learning platform for their employees. Our software allows organisations to create a bespoke platform based on their unique learning and development needs. Use our authoring tool to create bespoke learning content, ensuring seamless control of mandatory training, onboarding and knowledge transfer within a blended learning model. This approach ensures consistent, reliable, long-term learning progress for your team.

Learning made easy with our range of features

Personalised & Individual Learning

Digital induction processes, clear instructions and efficient documentation will help new employees to quickly and easily familiarise themselves with the organisation.

  • Interactive elements (quizzes, videos)
  • Gamification
Screenshot der Loginseite zur online:academy mit eigenem Logo und Hintergrundbild

Support for a wide range of media formats

In today's world, learning is increasingly multimedia-based, onlne:academy supports a variety of media formats to make content more engaging and varied.

  • Videos for visual learning
  • PDFs for classic information transfer
  • Quizzes for an engaging learning experience
Screenshot des online_academy Autorenprogramms zur Erstellung und Verwaltung eigener Inhalte

Dashboard and data analysis: Know what's relevant

  • Insight into the learners' progress
  • Everything you need at a glance
  • Intuitive user interface
Ansicht über die Möglichkeiten, die das System bietet. Hier speziell die Möglichkeit auch Videos im System hinterlegen zu können

Customised for you: Our Advantages

  • Customised Content

    for an optimal training process

  • Customisable White-Label System

    for maximum customisation

  • Easy to get started

    for employees thanks to modern onboarding

  • High Learning Success

    through a combination of digital and analogue formats

  • Strengthening the Corporate Identity

    through an elevated learning culture

  • More Profitability

    through increased employee engagement

What customers say about the online:academy

Are you looking for an effective learning system that is optimised for your team?

Please feel free to contact me.

Heike Peters

Head of Innovation

Heike Peters, Head of Innovation

Would you like a free, no obligation demonstration for the online:academy?

We look forward to hearing from you.

I am aware that I can revoke this consent at any time by sending an email to I have read the data privacy policy.

Tailored Solutions: Our Products and Services


At generation:l, we deliver innovative, engaging educational solutions designed for long-term learning success. Learning that’s clear, enjoyable, and impactful—every step of the way.

Learn more
generation:l Logo auf grünem Hintergrund


Our award-winning learning programme for apprentices is available as an app and a website, providing flexible, time and location independent solutions for playful exam preparation. Designed to equip apprentices with the skills they need for the modern workplace, azubi:web is a fun and efficient digital companion for both apprentices and employers. (only available in German)

Learn more
azubi:web Logo auf hellblauem Hintergrund


Our bespoke consultancy services help organisations build and nurture strong learning and leadership cultures. We design and implement sustainable, long-term strategies that drive progress and success, offering customised solutions to meet your organisation's unique needs.

Learn more
learning:consulting Logo auf lila Hintergrund


Designed for leaders, this interactive digital learning environment provides a platform for collaboration and shared learning experiences. By exchanging insights, sharing knowledge and developing ideas together, leaders and their teams can grow and drive innovation in their organisations.

Learn more
community:learning Logo auf orangenem Logo